Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rollin' Around

Orion is actually *asking* to play with his sister these days now that she is enjoying wrestling around with him on the bed!

She is enjoying this, I swear!
Akasha loves to pat Orion on the head, but it looks like she is getting a karate chop haha! I don't think she really was, it was just a funny catch.
A more agreeable looking brother being patted some more.
And there is always lots of kissing too. At least from Akasha. Sometimes Orion agrees to it, and sometimes he doesn't.... Caught him being sweet in this one!
Later Akasha got this shirt over her head by herself and was walking around like this!

I wish I had gotten the camera fast enough to get a shot of when she first did it. Only her eyeballs were showing, and it was HILARIOUS looking. These are pretty cute too, though. :)

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