Saturday, April 19, 2008

Me, A Benz Owner?

Who would have thought it?! We have been watching diesels for awhile, and this one came up and looked in great shape for a 1984 and a decent deal. It turned out to need a bit of work, but the guy also came down in price. I think it is mainly brake work. The engine seems great. The body is in perfect shape, and it is such a pretty color, I hate to hippify it, but I will anyway. :) We are going to get the conversion in place for veggie oil, and Ron is all excited to set up a little processing plant in the garage. Biodiesel, here we come!


Jessica said...

oh I love it and am maybe a leeeetle jealous ;)

Amoreena said...

cool! I'd love to learn how to brew my own gas ;)

Lisa said...

Well, the only problem is that biodiesel is now not quite so favored in light of the food crisis.... But I figure if we are using waste veggie oil, that is a product that needs to be used up anyways.

The production set up is not cheap.... We are using our economic stimulus money to buy a complete filtering system from a guy in WA. Take that Bush! Haha. The guy shows you everything about how to use it. I kindof hate to spend the money right now, but it should pay for itself quickly and be worth it in the long run.