Sunday, December 7, 2008

SWR Part Deux

I wrote up the stuff about Siblings Without Rivalry and totally for got the whole thing about my label guilt! There is a whole section on labeling kids, and I do know how bad it is. And then I realized, oh my gosh, I have my kids labeled right on my blog! hahahahaha Of course I did it somewhat in jest. And also thinking the littles can't read right now! But I suppose it is not a great mindset to get into. Especially Orion as the trickster. That is totally where he is alot of the time, and I meant it in a good way. In pagan mythology, the trickster is a really important role, so I thought it would be a good mind shift for me to think of it that way! But so much of the time he is not the Trickster, and Akasha may not want to be the Healer. That is the important point about labels.... And I was wondering if Sarah would ask about being the Challenger. Now that she is older, I can see that pattern so much in her life, and she has continued it in adulthood. I hoped she would also see how I meant it as a good thing and have a feeling she would "get it". After all, she is the one who has told me how many times she has done "interventions" at parties when people are using drugs, questioning them about their life and dreams and hopes and getting them to examine their life.

OK, that was pretty much a huge stream of consciousness mind dump.

Conclusion: Labels are usually bad, but I think I will leave mine up for at least a little while, at least long enough for those who read my blog to laugh at me!

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