Monday, December 22, 2008

Blizzard of '08

I wonder what this will come to be known as. I guess it was never really a blizzard.... But supposedly this is the biggest snowstorm Portland has seen in about 40 years! Yes, there is even more! Now we have snow, then a layer of ice, then more snow. It is really cool, like geology layers!

I really wanted to get us all outside in the snow, but Akasha had nothing to wear. Then I remembered we have an 18 month sized snowsuit. Funny, funny site:
Christmas Story eat your heart out!

Out we go into the snow!
Icicle bush!
Ron's motorcycle is buried!
This was a planter....
Our street! Or lack thereof!

Our neighbor came out and shoveled his driveway. Not sure why. He ain't going anywhere in that miniature car of his!

Favorite Akasha pic of the day.

Orion has been very worried about the birds in the yard looking for food, so we decided to put some bread out for them.
Didn't manage to get a picture of any near the door, but maybe later this winter we will!

Only a few more days til Christmas. Looks like it will be a white one even if it doesn't snow any more because I don't think this much will melt that fast!


Melissa Zollner said...

lisa, you look like you are 21 years old in that picture holding akasha! wow!

Lisa said...

Lucky shot LOL.