Monday, December 15, 2008


We don't get snow very often in Portland, so we get pretty excited about it when it happens!

We've actually got a bit sticking in the backyard!
Upended water table
Where's the ball...?
Cold bunny
Kona is in her element. Doesn't she look lovely?


Melissa Zollner said...

Lisa, We have three FEET of snow here! It is crazy!!!! I *had* to get out of this house today so I put Karis in the ergo and Maddy in a rubbermaid bin which I dragged behind me with a rope.... very effective! It cured the housebound blues and the girls had a blast. Come and play in our snow if you dare brave the roads....

Lisa said...

ah, that is nothing in these pics! we have like a couple feet now too. i am just slow getting caught up on pictures!!!