Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Silent Night

Or at least it is now. We usually have a nice dinner and open wrapped presents from family on Christmas Eve. Here are some highlights...

No idea what was going on here, but I thought it was cute.
I decided to see if Akasha would be interested in some peas while we ate....
Doesn't look like it LOL. I think I will stick with the CLW approach. Now if I can just remember to set things aside before adding spices and such.

Present time! A Pooh Puzzle!
Akasha working the wrapping paper and brother exercising restraint with difficulty.
A dolly! Akasha is more interesting in eating the paper hahaha.
Aw, baby with a baby.
Opening Daddy's puzzle box. It kindof looks like a giant chocolate or something! But it actually a very cool handcarved piece of wood with little drawers from the Saturday Market.
Another one for Daddy. He loves him a muscle car. Now to put on his patient hat for putting it together with Orion....
Present yoga?
A Diego Scooter! How cool!
I would say he liked it. He walked it all around the house actually talking to it. "C'mon, little scooter." Hilarious.

Couple random shots courtesy of Orion with the camera.

Now it is quiet. Santa has a tray out with gingerbread cookies AND oatmeal cookies. There is also a cup of milk and a cup of juice - Orion's idea. I wonder what tomorrow will hold....

1 comment:

Lyla Wolfenstein said...

why set aside before you spice? did i ever tell you about how corina basically didn't eat solids til i finally offered her a plate of pasta with sundried tomato pesto?

after that she ate curry - everything.