Monday, November 10, 2008

A Walk in the Woods

We finally got it together to go check out the little forest around the corner from our house. I knew it was there and even scoped out a spot a path went in, but this is our first official visit. I put a hiking tag on here although I am not sure this qualifies, but oh well!

Miss Cute Hat in the Ergo (thanks Jenn!)
This was also her first walk riding on my back! Gotta love the wet spot. I swear she is by far the most drooly and oral of all my kids. She is obsessed with putting things in her mouth and especially loves chewing on fabric.

Ready to go!
Silly picture of me, but I love the mystery gloved hand reaching out from the left.
Also ready to go. He really wanted a hat, and this was the only one I could find. He has a couple cute winter hats, but they seem to be MIA at the moment.
Culdesac right around the corner where the path goes in. How interesting it is that I didn't even notice there were deciduous trees there until they started to turn fall colors!
I love Fall! The mixtures of colors are so cool!
As soon as we got inside and I saw the moist carpet of fall leaves, I suggested to Orion we watch for mushrooms, and he spotted one within a few minutes. This was a little guy, so I said he should point at it so we would remember what this is a picture of!
I thought these mushrooms were SO neat. Very fairy with their frilly edges. (Well, I guess all mushrooms are fairy haha). I have always wanted to get into mushroom ID. Anybody know what these are?
Lone boy in the woods.
I feel dumb I am not sure what these are. I would think seed pods, but they don't seem to be on very many of the leaves. I have never seen two before, so this one was really special. Whatever they are, they sure are pretty! Again, anybody know?
I thought these feathers looked really interesting the way they ended up splayed on this leaf.
Mini nature altar.


TuTu's Bliss said...

great pictures!!

Janna2 said...

The round balls are called "Oak Galls" :)

Lisa said...

Thanks! My daughter was actually close then. She was worried it was some type of insect egg sac.