Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Little Artist

So how crazy is it that all this developmental stuff is being piled into just a few days?! I got him this little chalkboard at a garage sale recently, and he was all of a sudden very taken with it today. He started drawing on his own, and I came it to find this!
Hair and everything! Orion has never shown much interest in art or drawing. He has made faces before with a bit of "coaching", but this is the first time he has done spontaneous drawing like this. Usually when he uses a crayon, he just scribbles back and forth. I wonder if there was something about the novelty of the new chalkboard that inspired him. It is like he has had the ability but not the desire in the past. He also was really enjoying the ability to erase and start over so easily it seemed. And it was really important for him that all his drawings had a friend, which I thought was interesting considering our recent conversation about wanting to meet friends.

First it was naked pumpkin carving and now naked chalkboard art. This seems to be a theme around our place.
Is it just me, or do other people see a boob on the right?
I was way off though. I asked Orion if the lines on the guy on the right were legs, and he said, "No, he is a tree person, and the other one is a mountain person." Neat.

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