Monday, November 24, 2008

My Niece is Here for a Visit!

My niece, Tessi, is here from Ashland with her 2 year old daughter, Amma, so Orion is having to share his space for the first time since Carter was here. It was a rocky first night! The interesting thing is that he isn't really having an issue about toys or even being too rough with her, but he was just in super high energy crazy mode. It was almost like he was showing off. He was doing things he never does, like knocking Kona's water dish over. Ron's take on it was that he had all this extra stimulation and no idea what to do with it, which seemed like a pretty good analysis. It should be an interesting week...! I am glad to have her here though. We have alot in common, and she is even hoping to become a La Leche League leader. She is still nursing Amma and practices attachment parenting, so there shouldn't be any of that icky relative stress you get when you are totally on a different page. I look at this as practice for Orion for when Akasha is a little older haha! Amma will be visiting her dad alot, so she will only be here part of the time. I am going to try to plan some activities to keep them occupied, which will hopefully help minimize conflicts!

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