Sunday, November 9, 2008

The 90 Second Rule

My friend Lyla linked me to a blog with a great bit from Jill Bolte Taylor. She is the neuroanatomist that had a stroke and now talks about what it was like to live solely from the right side of her brain. This quotation is about something different, but really relevant to what goes around our house alot....

Something happens in the external world and all of a sudden we experience a physiological response by our body that our mind would define as fear. So in my brain some circuit is saying something isn't safe and I need to go on full alert, those chemicals flush through my body to put my body on full alert, and for that to totally flush out of my body, it takes less than 90 seconds.

So, whether it's my fear circuitry or my anger circuitry or even my joy circuitry - it's really hard to hold a good belly laugh for more than 90 seconds naturally. The 90 second rule is totally empowering. That means for 90 seconds, I can watch this happen, I can feel this happen and I can watch it go away. After that, if I continue to feel that fear or feel that anger, I need to look at the thoughts I'm thinking that are re-stimulating that circuitry that is resulting in me having this physiology over and over again.

When you stay stuck in an emotional response,you're choosing it by choosing to continue thinking the same thoughts that retrigger it. We have this incredible ability in our minds to replay but as soon as you replay, you're not here, you're not in the present moment. You're still back in something else and if you continue to replay the exact same line and loop, then you have a predictable result. You can continue to make yourself mad all day and the more you obsess over whatever it is, the more you run that loop, then the more that loop gets energy of it's own to manifest itself with minimal amounts of thought, so it will then start on automatic. And it keeps reminding you, "Oh yeah, I was mad, I have to rethink that thought."


Ron will often be mad about something, and then a few minutes later is just "done". I, on the other hand, get my feelings hurt and have a hard time letting go of things. I can dwell on things for ages! Sometimes I feel like it is just my nature, but I am hoping that remembering this will help me in some way!

1 comment:

Jessica Huber said...

Lisa this is amazing. I am going to link over here from my blog. I love it!