OK, I have to warn you, this an odd post, although I have a feeling a few of you out there may understand. I got all these old cloth diapers from the lady we used to live next door to, and I totally geekily happy about it. We have kept in touch by email, and when I wrote to tell her about Akasha, she wrote back and said she had a bunch of diapers she was finally ready to let go of. She used them with her son like 50 years ago! She always hoped she might be able to pass them on to grandchildren, but it didn't work out that way.
So, first of all, it is just cool to be part of her legacy. She is a super neat lady, and I am proud to be the recipient of her baby treasure. But second of all, I just like old stuff and feeling like I am doing something in a way that connects me to mothers throughout time. And lastly, they are so awesomely soft from being washed so many times!
What I didn't realize is that there are plenty of people still using them. I figured I would just fold them up to the size of a prefold, but I also thought I might as well do some research to see if I could find some nifty folding info. There were lots of sites about them, like
this one. And after reading... I figure I will still just fold them up to the size of a prefold LOL.
This gives you an idea about how big they are. Akasha looks like she is thinking, "Just how are you going to get these on my bottom?"

Some closeups for cuteness. :)

Cutest pic in a long time!

Because I guess I forgot I took a sneezing one just the other day haha.

Oh, and there was just one of these in there! This is why they were called prefolds to begin with! You can actually see how it was folded over and sewn in place.

Cute little brand stamp. Again, this makes me oddly happy.
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