Monday, August 18, 2008

Funnies around our house

Orion has been full of funnies and cuteness lately. One of his current obsessions is flying, which seems to be extended to birds and moths. He talks all the time about how he wishes he had wings so he could fly.

Most of his funnies come from things he says wrong though, and many of those from video games.... He continues to insist Lego Star Wars is actually Lego Starburst, and here are some other characters according to Orion:
and my favorite...
Princess Preach

He also declared himself to be the Sneakiest of the Sneaky the other day haha. I can't remember what it was about, but I think it also had to with a video game.

One more cute one. We switched our phones to Cricket, and as he opened the box and spied the little booklet, he excitedly informed me that he had the "constructions".

And in mama oddities... you know you are a birth junkie when you see the glance by the word placemat and think you saw placenta.

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