Monday, June 9, 2008

Business of Being Born aftermath....

Today Ron tells me that after seeing the movie, he really feels more than ever like birth is a female matter. He thinks women are meant to be surrounded by other women - a midwife, a doula, maybe female relatives. He says men will never understand and that it is a female rite of passage. I mentioned that there were partners in attendance at most of the births, and he said they just seemed like they were standing around stupidly while the women were all connected to the process. In fact, I think he said something about standing penises in a room full of breasts LOL.

Interesting. Especially after reading The Red Tent recently. It has always bothered me he seems kidnof "whatever" about attending birth, but I do also see his point....

Not really sure what to think about this.... I think there is a certain bonding that takes place at birth for both parents. And I have heard with siblings too, although he really doesn't get why I want Orion there. Of course he still plans to be there. Just interesting food for thought.

1 comment:

Toad said...

I have been there for all three births. I couldn't imagine not being there for it. I was there for support. Sure my wife was surrounded by women but in the end it was me who she wanted, who she called out for, to stroke her forehead or hold her hand or whatever else she wanted me to do. Giving birth is a very powerful thing and to be a part of it, albeit pretty small part, was awesome and something I will cherish forever.