Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random This and That

Orion said something so funny today. He called me a monkey, and then I said something like I must be because I am always calling him a monkey. So he starts saying I am the mama monkey, and Daddy is the daddy monkey, and Kona can be the baby monkey, and the new baby when she comes can be... a lighting bug! He even made the pause. Hahaha, what the heck?!

Then later in the evening, he did something that shocked me - cleaned up his Legos on his own! Orion has never been much into cleaning up, although sometimes he will pitch in if I get it started. Lately I have been saying I don't want to be stepping on toys. My balance is um, not so great these days. And that is just what my sweet little man said - "I want to get these all picked up so nobody steps on them!" Modeling and patience, patience and modeling....

And one more funny. This happened a few days ago, and I wish I could remember the details. I know I was making something in the kitchen and made some comment that must have sounded frustrated. I can't think why I would have said I'm not sure what to do, but it must have been something like that, because Orion heard me and said, "Just check the recipe, mom!" Ah, the boy is my son for sure LOL.

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