Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ron's Big 38

We spent the morning baking a scrumptious "cake", which was really a brownie recipe I modified to be gluten and dairy free. I baked it in a cake pan and made a green, mint flavored frosting. I figured that would be a good choice since Ron is a big fan of mint chip ice cream. And the green color went well with the Cars theme haha.

As I mentioned, I went on a craft kick. Here is some of our handy work....

The front of Daddy's Card

and the inside

This kindof just looks like a mess in this picture, but it is a mailholder Orion painted for Ron. This is something he really needs since important papers are always getting lost on his desk.

The replacement gift was a hit!

Time for tattoos!

Orion patiently waiting

Fresh ink, well kinda

And finally, the cake! OK, not the most beautiful ever, but dang it was good!

And then Ron got sick. Wait, not from the cake haha. He was feeling like he might be getting a sore throat earlier, and then it kicked in for real later. Sucks, as he said, "I got sick for my birthday." :(

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