Saturday, September 8, 2007

Alaska Cruise Day 1 - The Mustard

We made it! The trip to Seattle on Friday was pretty uneventful, although much later than I had wanted. Boarding went pretty smoothly. The terminal was interesting - right in the middle of downtown Seattle, nothing like the "LA" cruise piers, which are really in San Pedro. There were no porters which I thought was odd, but we managed to get our luggage checked with some help from Jessica and Dane.

Orion was so short on sleep that we missed the sail away party for him to come to the room and nap! That was just fine with Ron, though, who is always up for a nap! Or should I say down for a nap haha.

The muster was good fun, though. At least the putting on the vest in the cabin part.... Orion declared these light jackets and kept saying we need to go to the mustard LOL. Also notice the bunk bed behind Ron. That was a big hit and I'm sure will be a great source of amusement during the trip!
Notice there are actually little lights on these, so I guess the lightvest wasn't too off!
Oh, and best story ever - Orion got us kicked out of the muster! I know it is a safety thing and all, but it really must seem boring for a little kid to stand there in the one exact spot they give you and listen to the speaker go on and on. There was a woman behind me who squatted down to nurse her older baby, and I kindof gave her the silent thumbs up. Then Orion noticed and started screaming, "Nunu!" Maybe I should have plopped down with her, but he is too heavy now for me to squat with, and I didn't want to sit right on the deck in what I was wearing. So I told him we could nunu in just a minute when the muster was over. Of course he starts screaming really loudly, so one of the crew comes over and tells us it is OK to just leave. Woohoo! Way to go Orion!

But the neatest part of the story is that I was pretty sure the nursing mom knew exactly what was going on. She also had an older son who looked about 4 or 5.... She gave me a look of understanding and approval that felt like a little silent bond created between us. It was pretty neat.

And um, that's it for the first day. Wow, I suck. Seriously, we did do a few other things. We got Orion signed up for the Kid's Club and had a good feeling about the counselors. So we had him go up for his first visit from 7-10 at night and had a lovely dinner. And that, along with a bit of ship exploring, was about the extent of our day!

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