Friday, July 20, 2007

Berry Picking! and... Just Say Yes!

We finally got out to Union Gardens to do some Berry picking! We didn't get many as it started raining pretty hard, but wow, were they yummy. I put about half of them out for the drum circle and had to stop Orion from eating the entire bowl.

An interesting thing happened as we were checking out.... Orion was running back and forth to the opposite sides of the building and stomping in the puddles. One of the women working inside said, "Oh my gosh, I would die if my son was doing that." She said it good naturedly though, not like she was judging me or anything. So I just said, "Well, it's not really hurting anything. He can get cleaned up at home. I always try to think before I say no to something and ask myself if what he is asking for or doing will cause any harm." Who knows? Maybe she will think about it or maybe she won't, but I felt good about saying it.

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