Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sad day for mommy :(

Not so sad for Orion though. The battle is over and the hair has won. Or has it lost? Dad's efforts at keeping the snarls at bay have failed. I am sad, but Orion did choose the haircut, and it is probably nice for him in this heat. He even picked out a picture online with spikeys. So off to the kid salon they went....

Exhibit A of the offending rat's nest:
This picture is also cute because it is showing how tired the poor monkey has been lately. He has never before actually fallen back asleep on the couch after being carried out from the bedroom! I know he isn't getting enough sleep lately, but he resists going to bed so much at night, and we have been pretty much letting him stay up.

Exhibit B, on the way out the door:
The dreadlock extraction begins....
Midway - is that some sort of sitting still bribe I see? LOL, didn't even notice the first time through the pics. Will have to ask Ron what it was.
Who is that almost bald boy? Surely not the son of this hippie!
Action photo
Horns of the devil!

OK, I have to admit it is pretty cute with the spikes, although I am sure it will be blah after we wash it. And in this picture, Orion was telling Ron, "It's easier to see my mad face without hair in my eyes." Haha, gotta love my little man!

Dad got a really cute smiling picture on his cell phone, but I am not sure how to send that to my computer. The dark face will have to do for now. I will say the short hair does seem to bring out his eyes and long eyelashes more. He just looks so weird to me!


nicole said...

Look at those big beautiful eyes! The spikes look cool!

Anonymous said...

So crazy! He looks like a completely different kid!

Lisa said...

Nicole and Nicole! LOL

I could have sworn The Story of Us was gone last time I looked.... Was it down or am I crazy?

And I know - he totally does look different. I can't get used to it!

Colleen Paeff said...

Ha! I love that last picture! :)

Anonymous said...

oh wow! he looks SO much older in the last pic!

Amoreena said...

It does look pretty cute! Perhaps he'll grow out his hippie locks for you in the winter. I was very sad to chop L's hair, but it is sooooooo much easier ;)