Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Woodworking Class

Or styrofoamworking as it should be called....

We decided to go since Orion's arm seemed better. It is still hurting, but nothing like the first day. He totally freaked out when we first got there, though, crying and saying he didn't even want to be in the room. That is really odd behavior for him, so I was thinking he was worried about hurting his arm. I told him we could just watch this week or I could help him. He calmed down after a little while and started peeking at what the other boys were doing. (Yeah, no girls in the class, what is up with that?) After watching the closest boy saw through a block a couple times, that was it. He was ready to go. He did surprisingly well with the saw and hammer using his left hand. Then for the drill, I held the top while he turned it. My only issue with the class is all the styrofoam that ended up in the class. Seems like their must be another material softer than wood out there that would be a bit more ecofriendly. Orion had fun, though, and we are looking forward to it again next week.

Oh yeah, and I dragged my camera to class only to realize the disc wasn't in it. Grrr.

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