Sunday, January 27, 2008

Crying Clouds and a Pondering

It never fails to amaze me what Orion remembers and connects together. A couple weeks ago, I showed him his first waterbirth on Youtube. At the end I thought I should explain about happy tears, and how adults do this sometimes. Then we watching a Miss Spider. (This is a TV show that often bugs me because the parents are so into time outs and reward charts and stuff, but Orion likes it, so I will usually just watch it with him sometimes.) In this one episode, the parents were talking to their unhappy son and said that thundering clouds were grumbling because they are unhappy, and the rain was their tears. That seemed kindof depressing to me to always think of rain that way, so I said, "Maybe sometimes the rain is happy tears." And Orion said, "Yeah, like when a new baby comes out!" Gotta love that guy!

Then I got to thinking about happy tears. It is really not just adults. I know I have seen it in older kids. I tried to remember when they started for Sarah, but I couldn't. So I started to wonder if it is hormonal somehow and maybe related to puberty. I am curious if this has ever been studied. I asked on one of my groups and hoped maybe somebody with older kids would remember the timing of it, but I didn't get any replies. :( LOL, I apparently wonder about weird things nobody else thinks about.

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