Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bread Dough Face

We are having a major down day since Orion's arm is still really bothering him, which means alot of TV unfortunately, but at least we managed to make some bread.

I used my new Kitchen Aid for the first time, and Orion ate the dough as usual. Notice the use of his left hand. :(

I also decided to finally dye a shirt and some yarn I have been wanting to do for like a week now.
The nice thing about having a black sink is that I wasn't really worried about stains. The bad part was it was really hard to tell when the water was running clear!

Looks like it turned out OK for my first time. I hope the color holds!


Anonymous said...

Are you SAD about Orion using his left hand?! Are you afraid he might be left handed?!?! It's not so bad, I promise! I have to laugh because Geoff and I act sad that Damon is right handed! It's sort of a joke, we don't really care of course, but it's like he's not one of us. (Geoff and I are both lefties.) I guess now we know how OUR parents felt... all 4 of Damon's grandparents are righties too. (Hey, 3 of my grandparents were lefties!) I know we'll have to curb our disappointment as he gets older so he doesn't think anything is wrong with him. ;)

Lisa said...

No silly! Lefties are nifty and usually really creative. This went with the last post. Orion has actually been clearly right dominated, so my sad face is related to the fact that using his left hand for everything indicates to me his right arm is still bothering him. As an interesting aside, Ron had read recently that kids are not really born with one or the other dominate and wondered if this might turn him into a lefty!