Thursday, January 22, 2009

Say it With a Smile

I have been feeling pretty magnanimous toward people these days. Not sure why, but I am glad. I have a history of being a bit of a "judger", I admit it. So many things people say and do in regards to children annoy me. It's easy for me to get on my pedestal and think my ideas are superior. Lately, I have been trying to connect more with people, and if I do have something to say, put a smile on first! Nobody is going to hear what I have to say if I am all snarky about it anyway!

Like the checker at New Seasons who kept making comments about Akasha not having anything on her feet a few weeks ago. Finally, as I was leaving I said, "We're not going on a hike, we're just going to the car." Nice, huh? So what has come up lately?

The lady at Winco who commented on how sweet and snug Akasha looked in the meitei. She asked me, "Is the a good baby?" My response could have come out snarky, but I put on the best smile I could manage and said, "They are all good babies. There is no such thing as a bad baby."

Then there was the lady at Target who felt compelled to tell me her baby had gotten really sick from something he picked up on a public changing table. First of all, how the heck would she know that is where it came from?! But I just smiled and said we don't worry much about germs in our family, and both of my kids almost never get sick."

There is also a longer story about a mom at a local play place threatening her toddler with a spanking, then putting him in time out and telling him she couldn't trust him. This kid could not have been more than two. :sigh: I did not want to get involved in that for sure! But when I saw the kid heading right back for the same other kid's tower he knocked over before as soon as he got down, I engaged him and offered to build him something to knock over, saying something about how fun it is to knock things over. Did she notice? Did she get an idea? I hope so, but at least it saved him another time out, and possibly a spanking!

It came up recently in a discussion that it is better to just focus on your own life and not worry about all the negative stuff that is happening out there. A couple people made a point about people needing to be ready, and that when they are ready, the teacher will come. Well, how do we know we are not the teachers?!

Like those involved with the Great Turning say...

We are the ones we've been waiting for!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I use that exact same comment about the "good babies." I want to say "As opposed to a bad baby? What exactly would make a "bad" baby?" but I don't. Of course, what they really want to know is "Does she sleep through the night and does she cry a lot?" No, she doesn't sleep through the night, thank goodness- she's wakes up to nurse. And no, it doesn't bother me- I sleep right through it. And no, she doesn't cry much- she has no reason to because I respond to her needs.
Sorry, didn't mean to rant on your blog. :)