Sunday, October 19, 2008

La Leche League Conference in Redmond

Speaking of the conference... it was great! Akasha was such an awesome little car traveler again. I can't even begin to write about all the things I learned because I would be here all day! I had a great roommate - a leader from the Eugene area. I was a bit worried since I had never met her, but we had tons of stuff in common, and she was really laid back. As good as all the talks were, I think the best part was the Saturday night Oregon leader get together. Lyla was on the top floor, and they had a private lounge up there - we had it all to ourselves!

Here are some pictures for you Ms. Rachele. :p

Akasha spent lots of time in the MeiTei and discovered a love of strap chewing.
Oh, which reminds me - she got her other bottom tooth in during the weekend!

Hanging out on the floor during a talk. She has a total one track oral fixation. She is just dying to chomp on my finger here!
A little rest on the bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for the photos! She already looks bigger!! Colds are tough when that young- Kai had one also at her age. I would give him a steam bath before bed in the bathroom, then put warming socks on him, then nurse him to sleep sitting up, then put him in his car seat in our bedroom, and keep the humidifier going. He seemed to sleep the longest that way. Kiss her for me, Kai and I can't wait ti see Akasha and Orion again soon!