Friday, June 22, 2007

General Assembly in Portland!

I was thrilled when I found out the UUA's General Assembly would be in Portland this year. The only thing that sucks is that it is so expensive, but I couldn't not go! So I decided to go on Friday, figuring it might be a little less crowded than the weekend days.

I went to a couple great sessions on family subjects. One of the speakers was William Doherty. I loved most of what he had to say about UUs needing stronger traditions, although I have a feeling I wouldn't agree with all his parenting beliefs. I do like his anticonsumerism stance, though. He has started a movement to speak out about birthday party excess that is pretty interesting: .

I also heard alot about a book called The Great Turning, which is turning into quite a movement for some groups. It had a pretty profound affect on me, and I want to look into it more.

Of course I also had to drop a bit of money in the exhibit hall, where I was happy to collect several cool bumper stickers in preperation for our new car haha.

Just took a few shots. Here is just a small selection of the banners from churches all over the US.

And a neat shot I got of one of the Convention Center towers.

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