Monday, April 30, 2007


Today we went shopping on Hawthorne for Daddy's birthday present. I knew exactly what I wanted to get him because it is something I saw when I was down there with Rose and Jim on their last visit. We visited a bit with an artist who was selling some stuff on the street. Orion was really into it.

I was bummed to not have my camera with me today because we saw a couple cool things. The first was a bunch of kids doing a march for justice down Hawthorne. The second was a family of geese that wandered into a street. There were three little, fuzzy baby geese - so adorable. Somebody had stopped their car and was trying to shoo them back into the park.

On another note, Orion has been going through books on his own for awhile and adding his own words, but today was the first time I saw him go through a whole book and remember most of the words as they are written. It is a pretty long book, too, and he went through each page and said almost all whole story perfectly!

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