I bought this chair on Craigslist, and Orion is quite taken with it. He picked out this very specific shirt and asked for sunglasses to stage this photo. Funny boy!
Math, math and more math.
He asked Ron the other day, "When the world first began, who took care of the babies?" !!! This started a discussion about evolution vs creationism. Orion has declared he is a believer in deities. When Ron was telling me about it and said "gods", Orion piped up and said, "And the Goddess!" That's my boy!
The other day as we were driving someplace on the Eastside, I mentioned something about King street, and somehow we got to talking about MLK and civil rights. That is a hard subject for a 5 year old, who thankfully has NO concept of people being told they can't do something based on the way they look. I found myself somewhat sugar coating history, but not totally. I mean, I wasn't going to jump into lynchings at his age! But deciding what to tell him was surprisingly tough. I think I didn't want to tell him about the buses and drinking fountains, etc. because I didn't even want him to have it in his head that a world like existed. I kindof settled on voting as my example, so I could include the issue that at one point women couldn't vote either. He was pretty cute about it and said something about how he was going to tell everybody you can do whatever you want no matter how you look. :)
If there are any unschoolers with older children out there that happen to read this post, I would love to hear about how you discussed the more "unsavory" bits of history with your kids, and at what ages.
OK, now off to bed. Three days of driving ahead of me!
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