Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Day in the Kitchen

Some time in the morning, Tessi asked if we had any crackers since we have so much block cheese in the fridge. We didn't, but I remembered a recipe using garbanzo flour for gluten free crackers I saved and was pretty sure I had all the ingredients to. Orion was very enthusiastic about the idea, so I looked it up, and sure enough, we were good to go.

It is really a pleasure to cook with Orion these days. He has gotten to the age where he is truly helpful. Sometimes if I am holding the baby, he does things for me I honestly would have a hard time with!

Here he is cutting the dough into shapes. So they weren't very uniform, but unique is better anyways!
Poking holes so they don't puff up too much.
I am apparently on a trend of deleting photos by mistake because that is what happened to my finished product picture. I was quite pleased with them though. Garbanzo bean flour has this certain bitter taste I really don't care for. That is why it was still hanging around in my cupboard. I tried the dough and could definitely detect it, but in the baked ones, I couldn't at all! I think it was the flavor of the nutritional yeast that masked it. Tessi liked them alright as well. Enough to snack on with some cheese slices anyway!

Later I brought to fruition a brilliant idea I had recently.
OK, so this isn't rocket science, and I'm sure a zillion other moms have had the same idea, but I was proud to come up with it on my own! I have had this snow shaver sitting around for ages. I never really used it because I wasn't so keen on the idea of all the sugar in the regular snow cone syrups. Then I saw it sitting in the garage recently and got to thinking.... Wait, I can just make juice ice cubes! Even better if I buy something like purple grape juice as it will give it that authentic snow cone color! As expected, it was a huge hit! I can't wait to try it out in lots of flavors!

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