Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ron's Observation

Just realized I didn't mention Ron lost his job this week! Great timing, huh? Apparently they are reorganizing and let about 7 people go. Funny enough, they are splitting his job into 2 jobs. So he works 80 plus hours, but they figure they can get 2 lower paid people? Not sure how that works, but whatever.

The nice thing is, he got to go see Orion at gymnastics today, and of course he noticed something I never have. It is interesting when this happens because it just goes to show I am not looking at things with fresh eyes. At the beginning of class, there are a couple groups combined for the warm ups, so it is a bunch of kids and they always start with something that involves alot of running around. Today the teachers were throwing stuff out, and the kids would go and collect it and bring back. Every time he brought something back, he would say something to the teacher. Ron noticed he was the only kid who was talking to them. It got me to thinking about how he is used to being around adults who respect children and interact with them. I was glad to feel like it is something he felt natural doing. I also wondered if the other children were just less outgoing or if they are not used to interacting with adults in the same way.

Then the Orion comments continued during the more still parts of the warm up.... And continued... and continued... LOL. Ron said, "Good thing we are planning to homeschool, because he would drive some public school teacher crazy!"

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