Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We all lived through it with a little tag teaming! Tessi was a big help and we managed to get all the cooking done and even ate by around 4 I think. I didn't get a picture of the midday Playdough mess, but it was a doozy. We made all the traditional dishes although I will admit I took the easy route with most of them this year! I did make this yummy crockpot dessert I love that is made with peanut butter and apples, which inspired us to juice the skins we peeled off! We were surprised how much juice we got out of just skins, and then we added some carrots for good measure. It was sooooo good.

Here is Orion adding carrots to the juicer: Tessi cutting carrots in half with Orion dropping them in in the background.
And then Ron came home with a huge bag of jelly beans. Not really sure what he was thinking there.... Amma was not that much of a fan, although she enjoyed playing with them. The kids also worked on some homemade juice popsicles during the day. Amma has some odd piano fingers going on in this picture. Don't remember what that was all about!
Why? Because it's there!
Sorry, I couldn't resist. C'mon, doesn't it look like she is mountain climbing? This was a funny moment as I needed to plop her down while I did something in the kitchen. Ron didn't even wake up!

And then it was time to mash the potatoes! I had a feeling Orion would be into that job, and he was! However, it turned out Amma was into it too. So I put some in a separate bowl for her and got down my pastry cutter as the next closest thing I could think of to a masher. You may notice in the pictures below that the kids have different tools in different photos. They had a very successful taking turns experience as it turns out!

You may also have noticed there was some tasting going on. :)

Tater fingers!

I swear he didn't put that masher back in the bowl.... Really, I swear.

We also cut some hands out to write what we were thankful for on them. They never got decorated as turkeys, but I guess it is the thought that counts!
Orion's odd collection of thankfulness:
I guess Ron thought about taking a picture of the roast beast a little late.
Why is it that a whole roasted turkey can look so majestic, but this just looks like carnage?

We had way too much food. Hope yours was good too!

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