Thursday, November 25, 2010


And Happy Birthday Sarah!!! Well I overcooked the turkey and stuffing, but they weren't that bad (well the stuffing kinda was lol) and it was still a great day with friends and other good food. I was glad Rachele took some pictures as I was busy with other stuff.

She also brought this lovely arrangement, which turned out to be really interesting because she didn't know what the flower was, but I told her it was an artichoke, and those are totally a special thing to Sarah, so it was like she was there in spirit!
One of the pies after Kai was done with it lol. We had two so we let him go to town.
Adorable pic of Orion.
And Ron in a festive shirt... lol.
Pumpkin pie face! We just tried to avoid the crust and she didn't seem to react much!
Looking a little snockered.
Messy house, but caught Akasha with her Duplos in the background. She has been into just making really long stacks of them.
Ah marker on the belly, a childhood delight.

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