Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now Orion is the Child Advocate...

Ron took Orion to one of those McDonald's play areas today (why he doesn't just take him to a park, I can't figure out, but that is another story). There was a dad there who kept yelling at his daughter while she was playing. After awhile, Orion walked up to him and tugged on his shirt. The guy looked down, and Orion said, "You aren't talking very nice. If you would talk to her nicely, she would listen." My husband said the guy was just flabbergasted and walked back to his table in silence.... And he didn't yell at her the rest of time they were there. Hilarious! I wish I would have been there.

Will try to add a picture later... :)
OK, here's one:


Ronald Prague said...

Because he eats apples and plays with other kids, and I can sit and read because we're caged in :p

spaget21 said...

thats the best thing ive heard all day